Project Description

Benmont Active Transportation Corridor



Benmont Avenue is a heavily traveled roadway connecting the town center to the main commercial corridor. Conditions are unsafe for cyclists and pedestrians: curb cuts in the commercial zone are wide or nonexistent; sidewalks are intermittent; and wide traffic lanes encourage speeding. Nonetheless, Benmont Avenue receives heavy bike and pedestrian use from individuals needing to access commercial resources on Northside Drive. In 2016, MSK began work with the Bennington County Regional Commission to develop a new active transportation corridor that will provide safer bike/pedestrian travel conditions and connect to the town’s network of mixed-use pathways. The proposed design has received approval from VTrans, and the project is expected to move into the construction phase by 2023.

At a Glance
  • Client: Bennington County Regional Commission Project
  • Dates: 2016–present
  • VTrans Right-of-Way Certificate
  • NEPA Categorical Exclusion
Services Provided:
  • Engineering
  • Survey
  • Permitting