Project Description

Hall St. Roadway Improvements

We are currently providing preliminary engineering services for a project to construct drainage, elevations, feasibility of sidewalk, vehicle turnaround, and street reconstruction on Hall Street in North Bennington. Our team is evaluating alternatives for both the vehicle turnaround and sidewalk. The Village anticipates construction commencing in 2024 or 2025.

Current and upcoming tasks include:

  • Developing a plan of the project site’s existing condition and rights of way based on information collected via traditional ground survey, deed research, and existing utility records.
  • Working with the village to collect drainage utilities within the project area and identifying potential areas for a truck turnaround that could be included in the conceptual design.
  • Working with the town and stakeholders to develop conceptual plans that address the previously identified project goals. The intent of these plans will be to illustrate the proposed work and serve as a basis for initial cost estimates. The design will be in accordance with the Vermont Pedestrian and Bicycle Facility Planning and Design Manual, 2018 VTrans Standard Specifications for Construction, the current editions of the Vermont State Standards, the Public Rights of Way Accessibility Guidance issued by the US Access Board, and the most recent edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
  • Preparing a construction cost estimate based on the final conceptual design.
At a Glance
  • Client: Village of Old Bennington
  • Project Dates: 2023–present
Services Provided
  • Site Civil
  • Survey
  • Regulatory Assistance
  • Construction Administration