Project Description
Ninja Path
In 2016, the Bennington County Regional Commission and the Town of Bennington identified a need for a 2.12-mile, 12-foot-wide multi-use trail between the main commercial corridor in the town of Bennington and the Walloomsac River to improve pedestrian and cyclist safety and enjoyment and improve community access to the town’s commercial corridor. BCRC hired MSK to lead a VTrans MAB–supported scoping study for path access through the flood zone incursion and river crossing. Milone & MacBroom provided hydraulic modeling of alternative designs, and MSK worked with Goldstone Architecture to create a preferred alternative. Throughout the project, we have complied with the FEMA flood insurance program, the Vermont River Corridor Protection Rule, and the Town of Bennington’s local fluvial erosion hazard regulations. MSK also submitted NEPA environmental review documentation. As part of this project, MSK designed a new pedestrian refuge at a high-crash road crossing used by the Bennington College community.
At a Glance
- Client: Bennington County Regional Commission
- Project Dates: 2016–present
- VT River Corridor Protection Rule FEMA Flood Insurance Program NEPA Review
- Local Permits
Services Provided:
- Engineering
- Survey
- Permitting