Project Description

Town of Shaftsbury Public Works Complex



In 2017, MSK worked with the Town of Shaftsbury to redevelop the town’s transfer station site to include a new municipal garage. The project included a new transfer station, highway garage, salt shed—base slab, apron, and structure—pole barn for municipal equipment storage, salt and sand piles, parking lot, and fuel storage site.


Prior to the redevelopment, there was limited stormwater management on site. The comprehensive site redevelopment required a stormwater management plan that treated 2 acres of runoff from existing and new impervious surface.


MSK provided site development services, percolation testing, wastewater system design, stormwater management planning, and permitting assistance, helping the client obtain a stormwater operational permit and a construction general permit, as well as an amendment to the solid waste permit held by the Town of Shaftsbury. The site design for the garage included the demolition of two dilapidated houses, the relocation of the attendant’s hut, and the reorganization of other existing elements of the transfer station for the temporary storage of waste.

We developed a stormwater management plan for almost one acre of existing impervious surface and an additional acre of new impervious surface. Our design includes impervious swales to direct runoff to pretreatment sand forebays and sand filters for treatment and infiltration. A dry pond downstream of the sand filtration zone mitigates runoff from high-volume storm events.

Following survey and design, MSK managed the bidding process and oversaw construction administration. Construction was completed in 2019.

At a Glance
  • Project Dates: 2017–19
  • Services: Site Civil, Survey, Regulatory Assistance, Construction Administration
  • Markets: Waste Management
  • State: Vermont
  • Permitting
    • Vermont Wastewater and Potable Water Supply Permit
    • VT Stormwater Operational Permit
    • VT Construction General Permit
    • VT Solid Waste Permit
    • Local Permits