Plan, Identify, Replace
MSK has been supervising the removal of lead service lines since 2017. We specialize in an evidence-based, remediation-forward approach to public outreach with a response rate of 85-95%. We use a multi-phase water sampling method that is more affordable and more accurate than test digging. These methods are scalable. We can take your lead service line replacement project from start to finish.
The Bennington Lead Replacement Project
MSK Engineers has been working with the Town of Bennington, VT to map, identify, and remove lead service lines across the entire water system. Read about how we approached this nontraditional project here.
Homeowners and residents: To answer questions and see information about your property, visit Or, contact Liam McRae at 802-447-1402 Ext. 123,
MSK Engineers wins $25K to identify lead water pipes, will lead to skilled jobs
A Bennington engineering firm’s work in identifying and replacing lead drinking water lines won the company $25,000 to assist with the costs of business innovation.
Finalists selected for Lever’s Bennington County Intrapreneur Challenge: Five companies to compete for $25K award
Representatives from five local companies will compete for a $25,000 award as finalists in the Bennington County Intrapreneur Challenge. This new program from Lever, an economic development nonprofit agency, is designed to help existing companies use the tools of entrepreneurship to create new, innovative products and services that will grow revenues and create jobs.
VT DIGGER: Bennington receives $11 million to extract last remaining lead water pipes
In August 2020, MSK helped the Town of Bennington obtain a one-time transfer of $11 million in fully reimbursable loans through the State of Vermont’s Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, a nationally significant award at that time.